Thursday, June 7, 2012

Week of June 4th, 2012

Happy June!!

I cannot believe it was the last full week of school.  This semester FLEW by!  We tied up a lot of loose ends this week so this will be a bit of a random blog posting but fun nonetheless!  

We had a general literacy week.  Students shared their choice writing projects while they ate their Box Top WINNERS treat of fresh baked doughnuts!!  Great work yet again! We also worked on our Memory Books and even got to sign each others'. Definitely a busy week during our Literacy blocks!

Students took the Measurement assessment on Monday which finished off our math for the year.  We had our Human Growth and Development unit during our normal math time on Tuesday and Thursday so Wednesday we had a math game day!!  Definitely a fun way to end 5th grade math!

Social Studies
We made it to the end of our journey on the Hacker Trail!  While some wagon trains' fates were good (they survived the journey), others were not so lucky.  We only had two wagon trains survive the trail after some dire fates occurred.  Congrats to Kaylie, Brandon, Nina and Ben on their wagon train not only surviving, but also making it to the end of the trail and having the most points in the class.  GREAT WORK TO EVERYONE!  Everyone had a great attitude and were wonderful sports.  We ended the unit by watching some Little House on the Prairie and eating pioneer foods.  Thank you for bringing in food!  We learned a TON about what it was like to be a pioneer traveling West.

I was able to attend Jason's Hip Hop concert!  The routine was awesome and it even featured a number of magic tricks!  
 For our last Learning Buddies activity we had frozen treats and playing outside.

 Congrats to our Strings, Safety Patrol and Power Patrol award recipients as well as to Maya for her recognition for always having a positive attitude and achieving high academic success!

 Congrats also to Ms. Moss on her retirement!

 The end of the year picnic was tons of fun too!

 I was able to go to Scott's baseball game!  They won by a TON and Scott had some great plays!

Happy birthday to Cassidy!

Have a great weekend!  We'll see you next week for the last two days of school (including our Cave of the Mounds field trip)!